Hydra-Comp took Nextage's help to create a product configurator that quickly brings their product configurations to their customers. Both visually and as commercial proposals. The result; time-saving and happy customers.
EMTW uses the simulation capabilities of Solid Edge
EMTW can climb over road rails and keep the driver sitting horizontally even when the chassis has a 20-degree lateral tilt. Thanks to its design, it can work alongside crowded roads and railways with maintenance and rescue work while keeping its drivers safe. It's designed in Solid Edge and EMTW takes advantage of the simulation and rendering capabilities as well.
For Silver & Stål, Solid Edge is the preferred CAD solution
Silver & Stål offer sheet metal processing from prototype to serial production with high quality and service. They chose Solid Edge as their CAD system for it's rendering and designing capabilities.
For KB Components, NX CAD and CAM is a strategic choice
Choosing NX is a fundamental element in KB Components' overall strategy for maintaining excellent quality in their deliveries. After KB Components acquired a massive milling machine with five-axis at the end of 2018, they also updated their NX CAM environment.
Swerim – applied research using NX CAD/CAM
Swerim is a Swedish institute working with applied research to enhance resource efficiency and sustainability, supporting mainly the mining, steel, and metal industry in Sweden. They use NX CAD and NX CAM, from Siemens Digital Industries, to showcase their ideas and put their research theories and results into test and practise.