Swerim – applied research using NX CAD/CAM
Swerim is a Swedish institute working with applied research to enhance resource efficiency and sustainability, supporting mainly the mining, steel, and metal industry in Sweden. They use NX CAD and NX CAM, from Siemens Digital Industries, to showcase their ideas and put their research theories and results into test and practise.
Swerim uses NX CAD and NX CAM to leverage their delivery
Swerim is a Swedish institute working with applied research to enhance resource efficiency and sustainability, supporting mainly the mining, steel, and metal industry in Sweden. As a strategic research and development partner Swerim helps increase their clients’ market competitiveness. They contribute to the development of new processes as well as new solutions for materials and products.
Swerim use NX CAD and NX CAM, from Siemens Digital Industries, to showcase their ideas and put their research theories and results into test and practise. NX CAD provides Swerim with a powerful CAD tool that is integrated with NX CAM for streamlined work processes. NX CAM is a complete solution for programming CNC machines and robots.
Nextage is Swerim’s partner
Nextage is Swerim’s CAD and CAM partner and during the autumn of 2018 Nextage trained the coworkers at Swerim. The fact that many members of the Swerim team learned and adopted NX CAD and CAM already while attending university made this an advanced user training.
Peiman Bigloo is Senior Researcher at Swerim.
“We try to take advantage of as much of the capacity of NX as possible. Nextage made us aware of and use additional functions in NX CAD and CAM. This knowledge now creates value in our projects.
Swerim was in particular interested in consulting with regards to NX CAM.
“Nextage proved their expertise in the area of computer-aided manufacturing, and we are happy to have them as our CAM partner.”
Learn more about Swerim
Learn more at www.swerim.se
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